Professional Portfolio
Outputs | The Children's Shelter
The outputs shown here are from my time at The Children's Shelter. please note, the first year shown on this document is for FY 2014 (the year before I started). Through intentional planning and strong relationship building, the results of our team were outstanding.
Development Plan
Development Plan | McNay
The attached plan was created for the McNay. Please note that for confidentiality reasons, not all rows are shown. However, you can see what was produced (using the budget) to provide goals for the team. This was the first time a plan such as this was created and it allowed the staff to see how their goals would be achieved and where shortfalls might take place.
Development Outputs
Annual Appeals
Appeals | The Children's Shelter
The 2016 Annual Appeal was an increase of 39% from previous years. It was the most successful mail appeal in the history of the agency. In 2017, the appeal brought in $191,029, an additional 68.5% than the previous year.
Annual Report | The Children's Shelter
Each year, I produced the annual report to show transparency to the community and our donors.
PQI | The Children's Shelter
Performance Quality Improvement slides were shared by all department heads quarterly. These measurements ensured financial and programmatic outcomes were in line. This process also allowed transparency between departments throughout the year, and gave valuable feedback to donors at year end.
Master Presentation| The Children's Shelter
Annually, I created a presentation to be used at community outreach and special events.
Donor Welcome Packet | The Children's Hospital Foundation
This welcome packet was created for new donors and mailed with a bookmark.
Donor Brochure | Cross Trails Ministry
This brochure was created (updated regularly) and provided to donors during personal visits.